Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanks Angels!!

Halo! Mbak, mami ada?
Oh tunggu bentar ya Yen.
Halo anak manis, ada apa?
Gapapa. Baru selesai interview.
Gimana hasilnya? dapet. Katanya wa masi sekolah, jadi mereka ga bisa offer kerja, kan ga bisa ikutan training segala macem and 6 bulan dari sekarang tuh masi lama.

I need to choose: study or that dream job. And I definitely can't forgo my final semester for this and they know that. It's as though 'we're offering you a job but you reject it. So, we'll keep you in view and when you graduated you contact us and we'll see from then on'. Thanks people, that really made my day. So much for a dream job huh!

I deprived somebody else's opportunity to get this job and no one told me that I shouldn't been there that 'early' in the first place. Why didn't anyone tell me that straight on my face when I applied? Why should I go for 5 rounds before you shattered the whole thing? It's not one, BUT five. Shucks!

Aih..well, at least I got to the final stage.

Thanks Angels for being there for me! Mwahh... ^^


Posted by Ddee at 6:53 PM


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