Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hm...lagi males mode pake Inggris, jadi...HIDUP BAHASA INDONESIA!!

Setelah kemaren mellow-mellow buta and on the verge of breaking down, akhirnya gue putusin... STOP THE CRAP!

Kalo gue melo or sedih, orang laen juga kena dampaknya. So, mendingan bikin idup orang lebih bahagia kan?

Jadi gini...kemaren itu... *tsah..* ude bener-bener cape gara-gara kerja di akhir minggu, tambah stress kerjaan yang makin numpuk gara-gara gradually harus transisi and ambil alih kerjaan Execs gue. Pusink...ribet...

However, what makes me sad more is the fact that I am gonna miss my Execs. Bayangin aja ketika elo lagi down banget and ada orang yang ngerti. Bahkan nyamperin elo *I really appreciate it ladies!* and bilang kalo elo bisa aja ngomong NGGA ke orang-orang. And more over, LASH IT OUT WHEN YOU REALLY CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE...while tapping on your head. Waks...anjrit...gue yang ude ga bisa komen apa-apa...aer mata uda langsung ngebendung di pelupuk mata...akhirnya must say... "OK, back to business! So this supplier is supposed to...."

Ada lagi...gue terima email [biasa email di kantor kan semakin banyak semakin serem, coz means you have more things to do and take note of *hahaha*]... isinya:
"Old joke, but never fails to make people laugh."
>> simple one...with two clips of Carl's Junior ads featuring Paris Hilton and a parody of her *muahahaha those people whom I sent the clips must be laughing their lungs out*.

Sweet, aren't they?

Maybe I just need more rest...

So, guys... HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY! Hope yours is enjoyable ^.*

Posted by Ddee at 7:42 PM


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