Monday, August 29, 2005

Hm...It's a free day for me. 50th NTU Anniversary, so it's a half day school and my lecturer cancelled our class. No make up lecture, but she taught two chapters last week. Haha not bad, because that was the only day that I woke up entirely throughout her lecture hauhauha *bad bad..usually I always fall asleep. Not entirely my fault though, the way she presented it was way too should see how many people actually turn up from the whole batch (hm...from around 150 ppl, I think only around 50++ sit dearly and listen to her...or not even listening? hihi) let's move to another topic...and jujur gue lagi males mikir pake english..(dun wanna hassle you guys by checking dictionary to find out the proper meaning behind my stupid-silly english vocabs hauhauhau *maksa mode on)

Hm..Jumat sore kemaren, akhirnya gue skipped lesson for the 2nd time for this semester haha *what an accomplishment*, gue ga sempet balik dari Orchard setelah ada something going on there. Ya ude lar, daripada nanggung, mending gue langsung jalan2 cuci mata, had time for my own. Then begitu gue pulang, ahh masi pagi..palingan jam 6an gtu, yah gue totally had nothing to do, alias NO MEETING!! Hm..mikir2, mao paen ya? ah..ude deh...baca2 artikel buat bikin my weekly review essay. Walo in the end, kayanya gue mala kerjain yg laen deh hihi and tu essay selesainya ari Sabtu, setelah pulang dari whole-day-meeting (10am-430pm)..there gone my Saturday -.-'

So, the problem is....I realize that I'd prefer to have something going on, anything. It can be a meeting, an appointment, an event, etc. Kalo diem ga ada kerjaan gtu, alias agenda gue kosong and no direction on where to go...I'm a lost child. Gue mala stress juga karena ga tau musti ngapain, musti kemana, and musti gimana. Mao bikin Mao baca artikel or teksbuk, eh..mala bobo kaya kemaren..super2 unproductive!!

Maybe gue emang ditakdirkan ga bisa diem *mommy, now I know how you feel when you are free*...workaholic?? Kalo diem kaya sekarang (iya neh..gue free ampe gtar sore huhu)..mala binun..kok punya banyak waktu mala ga di-fully utilized, mala cuci baju, cuci seprei, masak, isi blog, chatting, buka2 teksbuk but ga dibaca.. Kenapa ya? Sabtu kemaren, akhirnya dalam 3-4 jam gue berhasil nyelesein essay's not urgent as I will only need it on Wednesday. But dengan bayangan gue bakalan ga ada waktu buat bikin itu essay, gue jadi produktif.

Bahkan, gue lebi terasa sedang belajar kalo dikejer2 waktu, ketika lagi sibuk2nya. Coz gue bakalan nyuri2 waktu biar bisa baca readings gue, dari baca2 d bus, MRT, nungguin orang, and so on. Bobo di MRT and bus juga ude jadi santapan biasa haha *kasian banget ne anak..bobo kok di mana2*...yah..maybe gue merasa lebi berguna kalo sedang sibuk, sedang ada kerjaan. Tantangan hidup gue lebi kerasa, and time is not taken for granted.

Or maybe...I'm just not good enough in prioritizing things: study or organization, kia su or socialising..yeah...I am just Diana after all, not a perfect Diana...

Posted by Ddee at 9:59 AM


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