Wednesday, February 22, 2006

After a long hibernation...

Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain?
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down.Don't dance so fast.Time is short.
The music won't last.

Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say,"Hi"
You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last .

When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift....
Thrown away.
Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.

...will I leave a mark?

Posted by Ddee at 6:32 PM

| 2 guides for Eden  

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hm...lagi males mode pake Inggris, jadi...HIDUP BAHASA INDONESIA!!

Setelah kemaren mellow-mellow buta and on the verge of breaking down, akhirnya gue putusin... STOP THE CRAP!

Kalo gue melo or sedih, orang laen juga kena dampaknya. So, mendingan bikin idup orang lebih bahagia kan?

Jadi gini...kemaren itu... *tsah..* ude bener-bener cape gara-gara kerja di akhir minggu, tambah stress kerjaan yang makin numpuk gara-gara gradually harus transisi and ambil alih kerjaan Execs gue. Pusink...ribet...

However, what makes me sad more is the fact that I am gonna miss my Execs. Bayangin aja ketika elo lagi down banget and ada orang yang ngerti. Bahkan nyamperin elo *I really appreciate it ladies!* and bilang kalo elo bisa aja ngomong NGGA ke orang-orang. And more over, LASH IT OUT WHEN YOU REALLY CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE...while tapping on your head. Waks...anjrit...gue yang ude ga bisa komen apa-apa...aer mata uda langsung ngebendung di pelupuk mata...akhirnya must say... "OK, back to business! So this supplier is supposed to...."

Ada lagi...gue terima email [biasa email di kantor kan semakin banyak semakin serem, coz means you have more things to do and take note of *hahaha*]... isinya:
"Old joke, but never fails to make people laugh."
>> simple one...with two clips of Carl's Junior ads featuring Paris Hilton and a parody of her *muahahaha those people whom I sent the clips must be laughing their lungs out*.

Sweet, aren't they?

Maybe I just need more rest...

So, guys... HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY! Hope yours is enjoyable ^.*

Posted by Ddee at 7:42 PM

| 2 guides for Eden  

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Just wanna 'junk' here.... *haha

I met another @er from Philippines the next day after I met one in my office. This time it was at Chijmes [Table 108] for eAngelz networking event. The feeling: D*RN GREAT!! This whole @IESEC family thingie is rushing on my blood. The moment you know a person is an @IESECer, that moment sorta worth years of knowing each other. WoW!! Definitely there is some link, right? Two Philippines @IESECers in a row. Ow..forgot to mention that my Philippine @IESEC friend from Singapore Management University happens to be his neighbour back there.... *muahahaha* There ought to be a red string attached, Denise. DON'T FIGHT FATE hihi *sounds like a matchmaker these days --thanks to Tisa hihi*

Last night, I went back to school after long hours in the office. When I wrote school, I really mean S.C.H.O.O.L., not hostel. It was the time of the years where you can apply to be part of Get Together Day (GTD - IndoNTU Orientation Camp). Yeah..after made a fool of ourselves (three of us --> threes*me? LOL), we were finally selected as Group Leaders. Again, the history repeats itself. This is my second time as a professional Group Leader *hihi* and we have our long-term goal in mind [hopefully will be partnering with 'Pok Pok']. And the TERBISU [bising selalu] award goes to.... *drum rolls ()&*&^*^$%@#%* ...OUR GROUP...hahaha *what a dream.

Ok, crap off. Better have a 15-min nap and later off to work *sigh...*

Bye-bye MoS. Have fun guys!

Posted by Ddee at 4:25 PM

| 3 guides for Eden  

Thursday, February 09, 2006

There is always a FIRST time for everything...

When I was barely 2 years old, I drove my mom crazy for wanting to go to school...
So I wore my FIRST uniform...
carried my FIRST bag...
made my FIRST friend in playgroup...
wrote my FIRST letter...
spelled my FIRST word...
and managed to memorize my FIRST Pancasila *hoho*

As I grew older... *tsah..*
I had my FIRST gank...
got my FIRST trophy...
joined my FIRST *and only* choir...
learned to make my FIRST cookies...
got my FIRST visa on my FIRST passport...
stepped on a new land and had my FIRST homesick-like-i-will-never-ever-be-able-to-meet-m-parents-anymore-kind-of-feeling...

And today, as I am having my FIRST internship *not working* experience, heaps and heaps of FIRST encounters happened and brighten my life... *see, it's not so dull ler* has been great and wonderful thus far. I must enjoy my stay there or else I won't survive another 18 weeks ^.*

Yet, must prepare myself for the worse..which is the lull period where there will only be me and my supervisor for the whole Department *heard about one-month-notice for resigning?*. eMTePe Asia Award is coming soon, and the workload is gonna be ready to work like a 'horse'. Be strong gal!

You can do it...I can do it...We can do it... Let's fight!!

Posted by Ddee at 12:50 AM

| 4 guides for Eden  

Title: "Sepasang" :) * intention yak* Posted by Picasa
not under @IESEC Getaway hihi

Posted by Ddee at 12:20 AM

| 5 guides for Eden  

Up to 10 nationalities gathered....and we had LOTSA FUN!! Posted by Picasa
@IESEC Sentosa Getaway

Posted by Ddee at 12:17 AM

| 0 guides for Eden  

As beautiful as the flowers....*muahaha -__-' Posted by Picasa
@IESEC Sentosa Getaway

Posted by Ddee at 12:14 AM

| 4 guides for Eden  

AUO...UO...UO...I can see that there's a cute pirate on the sea....*climb higher* Posted by Picasa
@IESEC Sentosa Getaway

Posted by Ddee at 12:04 AM

| 1 guides for Eden  

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Good things come in pairs*

I received a pair of earrings from my supervisor as a gift from Bangkok...

I met VJ Colby and VJ Utt *muahaha* and it's great to know that they aren't cocky celebs...

I received a pair of oranges from the TOP boss...personally ^.*

I watched a pair of lions dancing in our office... *The 4D Toto is 8018*

and the list SHOULD go on and on...

Good things come in pairs*


So do some of the bad ones...

I lost my pair of office passes...*hiks..somebody please find them for me* must have droped them somewhere within the premise... Bye-bye 35$!!

My two Execs (yes, NOT one but two) are leaving me soon *hiks...hiks...*


*Just the same tagline used for MTV Double Trouble show featuring VJ May and VJ Choy


Update from work:

Update from 'life':

Ok...continue my work now....ta ta

Posted by Ddee at 5:59 PM

| 3 guides for Eden